Impianti industriali

2013 | Fondital

2013 | Fondital

I singoli episodi coloristici fuori e dentro gli edifici svolgono una duplice funzione, sono guida cromatica, ma anche eventi di qualificazione estetica dei luoghi per sfuggire a quellʼimmagine di edilizia industriale di bas...
2011 | Studio cromatico vecchio camino

2011 | Studio cromatico vecchio camino (non realizzato)

Il passagio cromatico attraverso i colori dello spettro da origine ad un gioco che si declina in tre fasce sovrapposte: la fascia più alta presenta il percorso con colori saturi, sull’ intermedia la sequenza è meno satura, ...
 2007 | Laterlite

2007 | Cement factory

2006 | Impianto Turbogas

2005 | Cement factory, CTG

2004 | Depuratore Milano Sud

2004 | Depuratore Milano Sud

L’uso del colore, intende sottolineare ed evidenziare gli aspetti più significativi del processo di depurazione e ha un valore più ludico che architettonico. Il lungo prospetto rivolto verso la città, la parete nordovest ...
2002 | Aereogeneratori

2002 | Windmills

The technical refinement of the windmills necessitates a likewise aesthetics. The wings are in the middle, where the generator is, dark-blue, because here power and tension are at their top. To the wing-tops, where speed is, th...
2002 | Centrale Termoelettrica

2002 | Thermoelectrial factory

The industry-buildings followed as appearance-form of following tendencies. With the beginning of the industry-age the buildings became symbol of the civilian adjusts. The style of villas with corresponding decorative elements ...
2002 | Gruppo IVAS, fabbrica di colori

2002 | Gruppo IVAS, Varnish factory

The buildings of the industry IVAS have the most different typologies. It became decidedly to colour the complex in an average hoar(mixture all colours). The colour becomes signal only on some bend surfaces, the strategic has o...
2001 | Cementificio-Lafarge S.p.A.

2001 | Cement factory

Simply you take a cement factory with a backdrop and tranform it into a megapixel,and let it be deformed by it’s own reflection in the water.
2001 | Termoutilizzatore AMSA Silla

2001 | AMSA Silla Telewarming

It’s necessary to understand the context of the area where you plan, for a better understanding of its specifc, characteristic qualities and what is the realationship of this place to its sorroundings, to understand, that the...
2001 | Cementificio, CTG

2001 | Cement factory, CTG

The chromatic choice for the new factory in Calusco is based on colours and forms already defined from the coordinated image for the graphic of CGI. A grey blue colour has been added, this helps to lighten the visual aspects of...
 2000 | Impianto di smistamento rifiuti

2000 | Waste disposal factory

This chromatic application suggests a varied and harmnious image,where the elements disintegrate to give way to the peformance of colours.The main colours have the same clarity so they can melt visually at a distance,they are r...
1996 | Termoutilizzatore ASM

1996 | ASM Telewarming

La torre crea, tramite la sua sfumatura, una torsione virtuale, soft e mimetica, ma nello stesso tempo, suscita curiosità, è perciò un forte segnale che non si nasconde, grazie alla sfumatura che si sposa con il colore del c...
 1994 | Distilleria Francoli

1994 | Francoli Distillery

Made from different architectural styles,it draws upon interesting examples from the beginning of the century to trivial ones from the ’50,’60,’70,the colours are already defined by the logo,materials not changeable on a ...
1980 | Fabbrica e giardino Comau

1980 | Factory and garden Comau

When i first saw Comau I dreamed to see it levitate in the air like an altar,shining in yellow,red ,blue,the first triad.This made me desire to transform the green area into a bird sanctuary.Painting a factory doesen’t have a...