1938 born at Graz, Austria
1956 studies biology , University of Graz -A
1958 studies Architetture, University of Graz-A
1959 begins studies about phenomenons of colours
1966 first colour-project
1966 member of Forum Stadtpark, Graz-A
1967 founds the group Austria "Impulsgitteruntersuchungen", Graz-A
1969 colorist of the colourplaning the city of Torin -I 1972 founds the group "team-colore", Milan -I
1973 overseamember of the Colour-center, Tokyo
1977 member of the group "Surya", Milano
1979 member of the "U.N.I".(ente nazionale italiano di unificazione)
1992 becames italian citizen but retaining the austrian
1995 founds the group "Color & Surface": Barcelona-Milan-Wien -A
1999 scientific director of the "Istituto del colore" di Milan -I.
1967 "Teoria einer Möglichen Gestaltung"/catalog trigon 67, Graz -A
1972 "Teoria einer Möglichen Gestaltung" II catalog of the centro culturale St. Elmo, Salò and
gallery Ferrari, Verona
1973 "Perzeption and the 3° Dimension", catalog of the Neuen Galleria,Graz
1978 article about "Critica 0" at Montecatini -I - Kleine Zeitung - Graz -A,Feltrinelli - Milan.
1979 "colour in the city" - la repubblica, Milan -I e Kleine Zeitung, Graz -A
1983 pubblicates the book "colore-luce" (basic design), Hoepli, Milan -I
1996 pubblicates the book "colore-luce" teoria e applicazione, Istituto del Colore Milan I. PRIZES
1966 2°. Förderungspreis of the city Köflach -A subventionprize of the Styria -A
1967 prize ex equo for a "divan- bed" to blow up, Wittmann, Wien -A
1968 2° prize int. Art /Acireale -I
1968 medaly ofl eurodomus II, Torin -I
1969 3. Artprize of the Styria -A 1970 prize for "Architectur for 2000", Trigon Graz -A
1972 prize friends of the Neuen Galleria, Graz -A gold medaly for colour , Fiera del Mobile, Monza-I
Wien -A, XXjhdt
Graz -A Neue Galleria Basel -CH
Progressiv Museum Eilat,
Israele Museum of Modern Art
Cagliari Galleria Comunale di Cagliari -I
Acireale I Museo Civico
New York Mc Crory Collection
Vaggiago -I Museum Calderara
Salò -I Museum of drawings
1980-97 1980 professorship of "color/light", Istituto Europeo di Design, Milano and Cagliari
1987-88 "colour and textile", Alpenforum "colour and textile". Cagliari -I "colour and light", Arte &
Scienza, Milan -I
1987-2000 "colour and light" University ofr Architecture, Graz -A
1989 "colore e texture for textile", Centro Tessile Frangipane, Udine -I Workshop " the cloth" ,
Progetto Dir, city of Milan -I + lombardy "texture and sinestesy", Arte&Scienza, Milano
1991 "selettive affinity" Progetto Dir, Milano "colour and textile", Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale
V.E. Marzotto, Valdagno
1993 "colour and light", Ikea, Milan -I "colour" Centro Tessile Frangipane, Udine -I
1993-98 "colour", Accademia Carrara, Bergamo -I
1993-2000 "colour and light" Politecnico Milan -I "colourcourse", Universidad des los Andes,
Bogotà, Colombia.